- Custom video and ad trial for your product or service
- 20,000 views from the right prospects
- Option for thousands more views after the trial
- Can be used as a pre-TV trial
- Start by Oct 31, 2021
We’ll produce a custom video, suitable for advertising on TV or online, specifically for your business.
We’ll advertise your new video on YouTube until it receives at least 20,000 views.
- Select your Geographic targeting: National? Regional? State? County? City?
- Demographic preferences. Men? Women? Age ranges? Viewers in certain markets?
After the trial, receive tens of thousands of additional views on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or TV until you receive the views and leads/sales you want. 50,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?
We’ve produced over 1200 cable TV shows, video ads, TV commercials, public service announcements, documentaries and web videos.
We’ve been honored with numerous Awards & Press mentions.
(Start by Oct 31, 2021)
20K for $2K
We’ll create a custom video for your product or service. And we’ll advertise it on YouTube to the geographical area and the type of viewer best suited to your business.
For our regular, full-service, video production and advertising services, we optimize the messaging and scripting of your product or service before creating the first video. We accomplish this through a series of online ad tests as part of our standard marketing strategy. This series of advertising tests maximizes the performance of our video advertising and lead generation efforts. Additionally, our full-service video advertising can be seen on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and TV, depending upon what is best for your business.
However, this introductory offer is intended to get you started with video advertising fast and economically. If you wish, we can administer enhanced performance optimization after this trial, although there is no obligation to continue.
1 VIDEO & 20,000 VIEWS FOR ONLY $2000
(Start by Oct 31, 2021)
We will create one custom 30-second video for your business, and provide 20,000 YouTube views, for only $2000, as a trial of our video production and advertising services.
You help us identify the best type of prospect and the desired geographical area and we do the rest.
For this special offer, we will not be shooting new video footage of your product or service, although we can do that as part of our regular, full-service productions. (Alternatively, you may provide existing video clips for this special offer).
If desired, as part of our regular, full-service productions, we can send our own video crews anywhere in the United States or we can hire local video crews near you, who will shoot to our specifications. Additionally, you can visit our studios and/or ship us your product(s) for shooting in our studios in Southern California.
Note: during the pandemic, there are limitations for in-studio visits.
Instead of shooting new video footage, we will use stock video clips and/or stock photos, and music with commercial rights to be used online or on TV.
Alternatively, you can provide your own video or images, which we will integrate into your video. If you do provide any photos, graphics, video or audio assets, you must own or have the legal right to use such for commercial video use. Also, if you provide your own video, images, music or audio narration, such must be suitable for online (or on TV) advertising.
At a minimum, you’ll need to provide your logo. We’ll provide the rest of the assets to create a professional video ad / TV commercial for your product or service. See our VIDEO EXAMPLES, many of which include stock photos and stock video clips.
Of course, for videos that require an exact representation of your product, you will need to provide a video clip or photo. However, for many service companies, we will be able to use high-quality stock imagery to represent your message for this initial video. (Again, see our Video Examples. Many include stock video and some include stock photos).
Your high-definition video includes some or all of the following:
- Experienced “best practice” scripting and messaging
- Professional voice-over narration
- Video design customized to your target demographic
- High-definition stock video clips and/or photos
- Your logo
- Optional: Video, photos or narration that you provide
- Color theme that contrasts or complements your logo
- Animated accent elements
- Motion graphics
- Simple visual effects (VFX)
- Simple audio effects (AFX)
- Royalty-free music with commercial rights
- Color grading (conforms all assets to a single “look”)
- Length: 30 seconds
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Suitable for TV and/or online
- Legal rights for online and/or on-TV usage
See our VIDEO EXAMPLES for inspiration. However, your video will be completely customized for your business.
In addition to scripting and producing your video, we’ll get it seen 20,000 times on YouTube by the right prospects, in the right geographical area, as part of this advertising trial. This trial is the first step towards ongoing, high-impact lead generation and increased sales for your business, should you desire to continue.
Marketing and advertising professionals know that without a testing and optimization process, the results of any advertisement, whether online text ads, video ads, TV commercials, or other ads, can be unpredictable.
Especially nowadays.
More than ever, resistance to advertising — particularly ads that are irrelevant to viewers — is on the rise. Add to that the reality that advertising costs have been steadily increasing for years, and it’s easy to understand how it’s become harder for businesses to grow revenue without a proven marketing strategy.
The days of “Let’s try this ad for a little bit to see if it works” in the hopes of getting a positive result, ended years ago for most competitive industries. Nowadays, winning with online or on-TV advertising requires a more sophisticated approach than in the past.
You might get lucky ignoring this kind of marketing strategy, just as anyone might get lucky winning the lottery. But if you are a gambling man, you’ll make more money betting that “seat of your pants” advertising won’t be as effective as a properly developed campaign.
The good news is that online testing and optimization (including the use of data science and artificial intelligence) is how advertising performance and profitability can be made significantly more predictable.
We recommend testing and optimizing before making big investments into online or TV advertising, as a path towards increasing your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).
And to state the obvious, this whole testing and optimization process is how to make any advertising more effective and profitable. (Not just video and TV).
Nevertheless, this introductory trial is a way to get started with video advertising fast and economically.
This trial will establish benchmark performance metrics which we’ll be able to improve after the trial via the basic testing methodology outlined in our marketing strategy.
Obviously, it’s our hope that we’ll continue to work together after the advertising trial. Especially since our regular services will significantly amplify your message.
More importantly, we’ll generate a better Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) for your business through more sophisticated advertising and testing over time than is possible during the introductory trial.
And if it makes sense to put your product or service on TV, we’ll make that as profitable as possible via the same preliminary testing and optimization process.
Regardless, there is no obligation to continue after the advertising trial.
Here’s what you need:
- A professional website
- A product(s) or service(s) for sale on the website
- Pricing (or a revenue model) that could be advertised profitably
Note: If needed, we can create temporary websites to test new products or services, or create brand-new websites for brand-new businesses.
Note: For products or services that might not be predicted to be profitably advertised on the front-end (what is seen and offered), a revenue model needs to be in place that allows for a profit on follow-up sales.
Here are some revenue model examples:
Advertising conducted for lead generation may offer something for free, which will not be profitable by itself. The profit is made later by converting new leads to buyers.
Infomercials are not always profitable on the front-end. The profit center may be the back-end, which represents the percentage of customers who buy additional products or services at the same time as the original purchase or later. (Multiple purchases, upgrades, add-ons, longer warranties, etc).
Some businesses that advertise low-cost products or introductory service offers may not make money on the front-end. For example, vitamins or an introductory dental examination. Their profit is made on the follow-up sales of the same or similar items in the future.
Subscription services may not make an advertising profit from a new subscriber’s initial payment. Profit begins to accrue after some number of payments.
Retail stores may advertise a specific discounted product, knowing that the advertising will not be profitable on that one single item. However, they anticipate customers who come into the store will buy more products during the same visit and/or later visits.
For companies with multiple products or services, it’s often best to promote only one, for this type of ad trial. (If you’re not sure what to advertise, we can help work that out).
For certain clients with the right kind of product or service, there may be an opportunity for a pay-for-performance partnership. That means, if mutually agreeable, we may be able to provide full advertising and marketing services for no cost or reduced costs, and we would only be paid from new sales that we generate.
So, here’s the deal: for only $2000, grab a custom video ad for your product or service, along with 20,000 YouTube views as part of our introductory video production and advertising trial. Afterward, we can continue to optimize and expand the advertising on Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and/or TV to increase your leads and sales — if that makes sense for your product or service. And of course, there is no obligation to continue after this introductory offer.
You’ll instantly receive an email questionnaire to help us create the video for your product or service. Once we receive your response, we’ll schedule a phone or Zoom call to refine the messaging and details of your video and advertising.
BONUS: You will also receive “THE ORBIT,” which is our educational email series on video advertising, lead generation and pay for performance partnerships.

Custom Leads/Sales Marketing and Advertising Services
Award-Winning Video & TV Production
Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Advertising