- Apply before Sept 30, 2021
- Free custom TV commercial/video solely for your business
- Free 2-week TRIAL of our advertising service
- No future obligation after the trial
- Pay us nothing
- Only pay Google for the media costs ($50/day x 14 days = $700)
- Up to 23,000 video views
- See “VIDEO EXAMPLES” below
- Potential P4P opportunity after trial
- Not all businesses qualify
We will produce a custom video, suitable for advertising on TV or online, specifically for your business, at no cost to you.
Here’s what you can do with your free video:
- Broadcast it on television through another agency
- Let us broadcast it on TV for you (as a paid service)
- Let us, or another agency, advertise it online
- Or, just use it on your website or on social media
The choice is yours.
It’s your video.
However, we recommend testing TV commercials online first, before broadcasting them on television. This provides a low-cost path to determine the video’s effectiveness. And we are also offering a free advertising trial to get that process started.
Marketing and advertising professionals know that without a testing and optimization process, the results of any advertisement, whether TV commercials, or online video ads, or other ads, are unpredictable.
Especially nowadays.
More than ever, resistance to advertising — particularly ads that are irrelevant to viewers — is on the rise. Add to that the reality that advertising costs have been steadily increasing for many years, and it’s easy to understand how it’s become harder and harder for businesses to grow revenue without a proven marketing strategy.
The days of “Let’s try this ad for a little bit to see if it works” in the hopes of getting a positive result, ended years ago for most competitive industries. Nowadays, winning with online or on-TV advertising requires a more sophisticated approach than in the past.
You might get lucky ignoring this kind of marketing strategy, just as anyone might get lucky winning the lottery. But if you are a gambling man, you’ll make more money betting that “seat of your pants” advertising won’t be as effective as a properly developed campaign.
The good news is that online testing and optimization (including the use of data science and artificial intelligence) is how advertising performance and profitability can be made more predictable.
We recommend testing and optimizing your messaging before broadcasting on TV, as a path towards increasing your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).
Sometimes we can determine that your commercial will ‘not’ be profitable in the near term, before running it on TV. Or, you may adjust your expectations and run the commercial anyway, with the intent of increasing short-term customer acquisition for long-term revenue growth.
The best news is that we are currently offering a free advertising trial, which represents part of our proven marketing strategy.
And to state the obvious, this whole testing and optimization process is how to make online advertising more effective and profitable. (Not just TV). This is a benefit for businesses that aren’t even interested in TV commercials.
NOTE: Although we favor the combination of online AND on-TV campaigns, we have recommended certain businesses ‘not’ to advertise on TV at all, due to the data from our testing processes, even when they wanted to be on TV “to give it a try.”
Of course, as part of the entire testing process (after the trial), we can also test other video platforms — in addition to YouTube — such as Linkedin, Facebook, Amazon, etc., depending upon what makes sense for any given business.
In brief, no payment will be made to Skyworks Marketing for this ad trial service. All you’ll need to pay is the media costs directly to Google.
For no charge, we’ll create a professional video for your business that can be shown on TV, advertised online, displayed on your website or shared on social media. And regardless of whether we work together in the future, or not, you keep the video.
Also, for no charge during the trial, we’ll provide our most basic advertising service to get your video seen.
Check out some of our VIDEO EXAMPLES.
No money will be paid to Skyworks Marketing during the video advertising trial.
Google owns YouTube. You only pay media costs directly to Google for the YouTube views and we won’t receive a penny of that.
- We create your video for no cost to you
- We provide a free ad trial service to get your video seen
- You only pay Google for the media costs ($50/day x 14 days = $700)
Google’s Cost Per View (CPV) for each YouTube view varies considerably depending upon competition, time-of-year, industry, geography, demographics, viewing device, and other factors. An average cost for each video view would be between $0.03 and $0.70 (3 cents to 70 cents), which equals 1000 to 23,000 video views.
NOTE: for certain videos and their target audience, there may not be enough traffic to spend the full budget during the 2 week trial period, which would make the Google cost (and views) lower.
In brief, you pay nothing to Skyworks Marketing for our video production and basic advertising service. You only pay Google directly for the YouTube views.
Obviously, it’s our hope that we’ll continue to work together after the advertising trial. Especially since our paid services will significantly amplify your message.
More importantly, we’ll generate a better Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) for your business through more sophisticated advertising over time than is possible during the trial.
And if it makes sense to put your product or service on TV, we’ll make that as profitable as possible via a preliminary testing and optimization process.
Regardless, there is no obligation to continue after the free advertising trial.
For this free video offer, we will not be shooting new video footage of your product or service, although we can do that in the future, should we continue after the trial. (Or, you could provide existing video clips).
If needed after the trial, we can send our own crews anywhere in North America or we can hire local crews near you, who will shoot to our specifications. Or you can visit our studios and/or ship us your product(s) for shooting in our studios in Southern California.
Note: during the pandemic, there are limitations for in-studio visits.
Instead of shooting new video footage, we will use stock video clips and/or photos, and royalty-free music.
Alternatively, you can provide your own video or images, which we will integrate into the final free video. If you do provide any photos, graphics, video or audio assets, you must own or have the legal right to use such for commercial video use online and/or on TV. Also, if you provide your own video, images, music or narration, such must be suitable for TV and suitable for online advertising.
At a minimum, you’ll need to provide your logo. We’ll provide the rest of the assets to create a professional commercial for your product or service.
Of course, for TV commercials and videos that require an exact representation of your product, you will need to provide a video clip or photo. However, for many service companies and some product businesses, we will be able to use high-quality stock imagery to represent your message for this initial free video.
This free high-definition video includes some or all of the following:
- Professional scripting and messaging
- Video design customized to your target demographic
- High-definition stock video clips and/or photos
- Your logo
- Optional: Video, photos or narration that you provide
- Accent colors that contrast or complement your logo
- Animated accent elements
- Motion graphics
- Simple visual effects (VFX)
- Audio effects (AFX)
- Royalty-free music
- Color grading (conforms all assets to a single “look”)
- Length: 15 seconds
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Suitable for TV and/or online
- Legal rights for online and/or on-TV usage
The Video Examples that feature motion titles, music and no narration are representative of the type you will receive. However, your video will be completely customized for your business.
It’s simple: we hope we will continue to work together after the advertising trial to increase your leads, sales and revenue — even though there’s no obligation for that to occur.
Here’s what you need:
- A professional website
- A product(s) or service(s) for sale on the website
- Pricing (or a revenue model) that could be advertised profitably
Note: If needed, we can create simple websites to test new products or services, or create entire websites for brand-new businesses.
Note: For products or services that might not be predicted to be profitably advertised on the front-end (what is seen and offered), a revenue model needs to be in place that allows for a profit on follow-up sales.
Here are some revenue model examples:
Advertising conducted for lead generation may offer something for free, which will not be profitable by itself. The profit is made later by converting new leads to buyers.
Infomercials are not always profitable on the front-end. The profit center may be the back-end, which represents the percentage of customers who buy additional products or services at the same time as the original purchase or later. (Multiple purchases, upgrades, add-ons, longer warranties, etc).
Some businesses that advertise low-cost products or introductory offers may not make money on the front-end, for example, vitamins or an introductory dental examination. Their profit is made on the follow-up sales of the same or similar items in the future.
Subscription services may not make an advertising profit from a new subscriber’s initial payment. Profit begins to accrue after some number of payments.
Retail stores may advertise a specific discounted product, based upon seasonal demand, knowing that the advertising will not be profitable on that one single item. However, they anticipate customers who come into the store will buy more products during the same visit and/or later visits.
For companies with multiple products or services, it’s often best to promote only one, for this type of ad trial. (If you’re not sure what to advertise, we can help work that out).
For certain clients with the right kind of unique product or service, there may be an opportunity for a partial or 100% pay-for-performance partnership. That means, if mutually agreeable, we may be able to provide full advertising and marketing services for no cost or reduced costs, and we would only be paid from new sales that we generate.
So, here’s the deal: grab a free TV commercial, and take advantage of our free introductory advertising service and only pay Google directly and nothing to Skyworks Marketing.
BONUS: You will also receive “THE ORBIT,” which is our educational email series on video advertising, lead generation and pay for performance partnerships.

Custom Leads/Sales Marketing and Advertising Services
Award-Winning Video & TV Production
Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Advertising