Sales and marketing funnels are similar, although not identical. The number of steps as well as the naming of the steps can vary from presenter to presenter. But the idea of moving cold traffic to warm prospects and ultimately to paid customers is an apt depiction for the purpose of any funnel. In the above video, the funnel steps are only 3 in number and the naming of the steps are as follows:
- Awareness
- Consideration
- Conversion
In this presentation, the 3-step funnel is further correlated with basic sales and relationship building such as “know, like and trust.”
- Awareness = Know
- Consideration = Like
- Conversion = Trust
Extending the concept of this funnel even further, this presenter (Dennis Yu of BlitzMetrics) also appends the following: “why, how and what.” These latter concepts are intended to inform a storytelling framework in conjunction with the funnel.
- Awareness = Know = Why
- Consideration = Like = How
- Conversion = Trust = What
In terms of promoting on Facebook, the gist of the presentation here is to be authentic, more story-driven and less overtly promotional.
A fundamental idea is that people want to learn, be moved or entertained; so once again, the idea is to tell a story that will resonate with the audience, rather than being purely self-promotional.
Although much of this presentation is common marketing and advertising knowledge, my favorite part is the emphasis on low-cost split-testing by strategically boosting short posts on Facebook (a form of pay-per-click advertising). Once a test shows that your video is productive towards your marketing goals, then it’s time to increase your investment with that message. Facebook will even show engaging videos more frequently for a lower cost and you may even benefit from social sharing.
The above presentation also touches upon the reality of Facebook advertising by noting that the majority of your video ads may not work, as well as what would actually constitute being effective (“hitting a home run”).
Although the “formula” itself is informative and useful, personally, I would emphasize the testing over and above the funnel, since you can do the steps upside down and backward and still get results if you prioritize the testing. But if you do the steps perfectly without an emphasis on testing, there’s still no guarantee that you’re going to be successful.
In short, if you want to get your message out effectively via video, then tell stories, build relationships and test, test and test. And most importantly, never stop split-testing.
Avid hiker, bicyclist, motorcyclist and long-time advertising pro. Founder of Skyworks Marketing, Nonprofit Fire and Our Ventura TV (cable TV). One career highlight was working on a small team that built a business from nothing to over $100 Million in 3 years. Skyworks Marketing provides lead generation and video advertising services. We create custom marketing funnels that provide the highest-quality leads and sales.