To marketing and advertising types, the technology of getting a message out can be beguiling. Regardless of whether it’s online, or (particularly in the past) via direct mail, magazine ads, radio, TV commercials, etc., each media type demands a certain amount of technical attention to make everything work
Sometimes the technology can take center stage when you have imagined, produced and executed an idea that generates impressive returns on investment.
Alternatively, it can be disheartening when the increase in new sales does not surpass the money and resources it took to create and get the message out.
Nowadays what can be accomplished with technology — particularly regarding the use of the internet, databases, data science, artificial intelligence, instant information processing and video production — is beyond the reality of many.
Sure, text messages, video-on-demand, social sharing
- But what about emerging ways to personalize a message so that a marketing ad can be more relevant to a consumer at the instant they view it?
- How about marketing videos that allow viewers to engage with the video subject in real time?
- How about video advertising that includes subtle elements like a clock in the video that displays the correct time of your current geographical location?
- Or a marketing video that displays the same weather as your location, or even geographic elements from your location?
- And what if such personalization were tied to something as inherently ignored as a traditional online banner ad viewed on a computer, tablet or any smart phone?
As intriguing as this or any new or future technology may be, what is rightfully emphasized in the world of marketing and advertising is “the story” (or idea).
As obvious at that may seem, it’s worth emphasis and re-emphasis and even over-emphasis as it’s too easy to be allured by the magic of technology in and of itself.
Without a compelling story to sincerely capture the attention of real people to then engage their attention, the technology is for naught.
Of course, now, more than ever, determining the most effective idea, or story, is perhaps more magical than any technology might ever be.
Avid hiker, bicyclist, motorcyclist and long-time advertising pro. Founder of Skyworks Marketing, Nonprofit Fire and Our Ventura TV (cable TV). One career highlight was working on a small team that built a business from nothing to over $100 Million in 3 years. Skyworks Marketing provides lead generation and video advertising services. We create custom marketing funnels that provide the highest-quality leads and sales.