15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Social media video. Features product shots with stock video, as well as upbeat music and brief titles to highlight simple messages. Frame with horizontal lines and blurred background added to further focus viewer attention on products. The final client version featured their website address and did not include the 3 seconds … Read the rest
National Geographic
60sec VIDEO EXAMPLE. Social media promo video. Created with stock video, custom accent matte, custom music composition and motion graphics. High impact titles for viewers who do not have sound enabled.… Read the rest
Caldera + Lab
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE. Created with still photos, motion graphics and accent elements. Visual effects used to independently animate subjects and backgrounds. The design intent is to inspire viewer attention with strong imagery and minimal text.… Read the rest
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE. Animated video ad intended to convey a new technology concept via simplicity. Furthermore, in this example, the logo was integrated as an active element with the purpose of establishing better branding recollection for viewers. The final client version did not include the 3 seconds of credits at the end.… Read the rest
Sage Intacct
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE. Social media promo message using stock video and stock music. Green wash to support green logo. High impact titles and motion graphics for viewers who do not have sound enabled.… Read the rest
Colonial Penn
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE. Service promo video. Created with stock photos, simple titles, motion graphics and visual effects. The featured effect is adding motion to the still photos.… Read the rest
15-sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Features live-action, on-premise video, stock music, motion graphic titles, visual effects (VFX) and fast pacing.… Read the rest
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Features live-action video, voice-over, motion graphics, visual effects (VFX), and stock music. High-energy pace intended to engage viewer interest.… Read the rest
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Product demonstration video to encourage free trial. The concept was to inspire consumer interest by showing the product in action.… Read the rest
Lara Croft
15sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Animated mobile-device ad for video game. Features motion graphics titles. The original version was presented in a vertical format for social media.… Read the rest