YouTube Video Advertising Formats Explained – Different Types of YouTube Ads

YouTube has a number of video advertising options. Each have their advantages and disadvantages. Some have intuitive applications, such as Outstream Ads which are specifically for mobile. Ad Sequence videos are unique in that you can show a predetermined series of ads to individual viewers in the order that you define.

Others have length limitations, such as Non-Skippable In-Stream ads (15 seconds or less) and Bumper Ads, which are 6 seconds or less.

Here are the primary YouTube video ad formats:

  • Skippable in-stream ads
  • Non-skippable in-stream ad
  • Discovery ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Outstream ads
  • Video Discovery ads
  • Mastheads ads
  • Ad Sequence (This one is unique in that you can use a combination of the first three formats above to present a series of messages).

Using square and vertical video formats for mobile provides more screen real-estate, which is a plus for making a bigger viewer impact, although the standard horizontal format is best for desktop and can also be shown on mobile.

One point not mentioned in the above video is the benefits of split-testing different ad formats to find which works best for your product or service, as well as your overall industry.