Video and TV Interview Tips

Getting interviewed as a guest on a TV talk show or a video program is easy … or is it?

You might think it’s the interviewer who has the tough job. The person asking the questions is the one that is supposed to be in charge and keep things moving along, ideally in an interesting … Read the rest

The Three Essential Ingredients for Successful TV Advertising

Stew Birbrower is interviewed by George Alger on the the basics of advertising and successful TV commercials. This brief excerpt from the interview highlights some of the most fundamental points, including:

1) Catch their eye
2) Penetrate their mind
3) Warm their heart

He also notes that music is a big part of the … Read the rest

Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes

The above video illustrates the evolution of advertising from early newspaper ads in colonial times to today’s online advertising.

The video is hosted by Jared Bauer, who explores the topic of “Why Our Ads Are Different Now,” referencing the history of advertising from the book: Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes by Juliann Sivulka.

The book’s … Read the rest

Clothes To Wear For A TV Interview

Even if you’re the kind of person who pays little attention to what you wear on a day-to-day basis, it’s useful to know a few things about the nature of clothing as it relates to TV and video.

Bear the obvious in mind: cameras, computer monitors and TV screens are not people, they’re machines. And … Read the rest

How Much Does a TV Commercial Cost?

Few things have such a cost variance as television ads. For most people, what’s not surprising is how expensive they can be. However, what may be surprising is how inexpensive TV advertising can be. (Having said that, the least expensive options may not be the best opportunities, either).

Overall, the cost of producing a commercial … Read the rest

Propaganda Rejects

90sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Social media promo video to encourage voting. Features custom-composed music, motion graphic titles, stock video and visual effects (VFX).… Read the rest


1min VIDEO EXAMPLE: Talking-head television public service announcement (PSA). Features supplemental stock video, motion graphic titles and VFX background (not a green screen).… Read the rest

Be a Foster Parent

80sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Cable television PSA. Features three spokespersons, including a local politician, as well as stock music.… Read the rest

Visit Korea

60sec VIDEO EXAMPLE: Social media promo video to encourage South Korean tourism. Features stock music, motion graphic titles, stock video and visual effects (VFX).… Read the rest