3 Phases of Lead Generation

Which of the three phases of lead generation represents your business? Although these phases are relative between any company and its respective industry, this article is intended to provide a simplified categorization of lead gen potential.

  • Starting out with Phase One, it could be stated that most struggling businesses are in this category.
  • A business
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Generating Leads with Video Advertising

8-sec: Video Advertising

What’s the secret to developing a continuous stream of leads and sales?

Well, it’s not a secret to everyone. But there are plenty of folks who haven’t heard about it. This includes some free video advertising from Google, as part of their low-cost video advertising on YouTube, which many aren’t aware of. … Read the rest

Outsource Online Lead Generation

There are a number of online lead generation models, and they all center around the concept of providing relevant, targeted, current (even real-time) sales leads.

In addition to continuing your own lead generation strategies – online or otherwise – an additional option is to outsource this activity. In exchange for payments on a per-lead basis, … Read the rest

Ten Lead Generation Models

Pay-for-Performance Video Advertising

Generating an ongoing flow of sales leads is the most fundamental component of marketing for every business that requires new sales to sustain itself and/or for established businesses that want to expand.

Lead generation includes any, or a combination of, the following:

Broadcast Advertising: Infomercials are a prime example here. Not only is … Read the rest